Collection: All Weed Killer

Collection: All Weed Killer

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About Weed Killer

Removing weeds from a garden is the bane of every gardener’s life - but with a quality weed killer, it doesn’t need to be. Keeping invasive weeds under control can be a quick and easy process - a few minutes with a weed killer spray can save you hours of pain in your knees and back! We stock weed killer to suit every need - pet friendly weed killer to keep your furry friends out of harm's way, lawn weed killer to remove moss and encourage grass growth, patio weed killer to get in between those slabs, selective weed killer spray which will only target weeds and glyphosate weed killer when only industrial weed killer will do! And don’t forget that we offer free UK delivery on all orders over £50 - we’ll take all the hassle out of defending your garden against weeds.  

Strong Weed Killers

Keeping weed growth under control is essential if you want to maintain an attractive and healthy garden. These pesky little unwanted wild plants can take over your garden if left, and take essential water and nutrients away from your flowers, crops and lawn.

Daisies, dandelions, nettles, couch grass, creeping thistles - there are hundreds of invasive weeds that can creep into your flower beds without permission! The good news is that they can be stopped in their tracks pretty easily with the right weed killer - and we stock leading brands including Gallup, Prostate, Roundup and Clinic Up.

Selective & non-selective weed killer

Selective weed killers are used around plants and crops that you don’t want to bring to harm - designed to only target the weeds in the area. Non-selective weed killers will target all vegetation - like a giant reset button, it will wipe everything out for you to start again. They are one of the best weedkillers for driveways and patios.

Glyphosate weed killer

Glyphosate weed killer such as rosate is an example of a non-selective weed killer, and is one of the strongest on the market. Once this professional-grade product is absorbed into the root system, it will act fast to kill weeds and keep them away.

Lawn & patio weed killers

Lawn weed killer is perfect if you want to remove all the moss from your lawn while also giving your grass a boost and encouraging re-growth. For Patio weed killers, use a strong weed killer that will target those hard-to-get-at cracks between the slabs, and kill the weeds from the root.

Weed control fabric is perfect for preventing weed growth when you are landscaping your garden. Take advantage of our free UK delivery on all orders over £50 and purchase your weed killer today.