Collection: All Strawberry Plants

Collection: All Strawberry Plants

27 results

About Strawberry Plants

The British summer isn’t complete without fresh strawberries eaten straight off a strawberry plant. They almost go against assumed logic - strawberry plants take very little effort to grow, and yet they produce one of the most delicious fruits. It shouldn’t be so easy - but it is! We know that strawberry plants mean a lot to our customers - so we stock a hue range of different varieties, from the classic Cambridge Favourite, to the exotic Snow White. We have container plants as well as bare root plants - so whatever strawberry plant you fancy this year, we’ve got you covered.

Strawberry Plants For Sale Online

So what strawberries are you going to grow? Maybe robust, disease resistant Marshmello plants that will fruit early? Or maybe the Honeoye - trailing plants that can be encouraged to become climbing strawberry plants with a little effort? Or are you after value - the Red Gauntlet plants will produce a large crop, with a good chance of a second crop in the autumn.

Whether you are after hanging strawberry plants, in pots or bare root, June bearing strawberry plants, or late fruiting plants, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for here. And don’t forget that with free UK delivery on all orders over £50, your plants will be winging their way to you in no time at all. All you need to do is sit back and wait. (and nip to the shops for some cream).