They are pollinated by birds, which is why they have developed their strong stems; they need to be able to support multiple birds at one time in order to have the best chance of pollination.
The Bird of Paradise plant is a classy and elegant addition to any garden. They are a stunning houseplant, full of vibrant colour and such a striking, interesting shape. It would be the focal point of any indoor plant display, perfectly complementing any other plants you may have. A bolt of colour and interest, which will bring out the best in your other indoor plants.

On top of its undoubted beauty, the Birds of Paradise house plants bring with them a host of other benefits. Like so many other house plants, Birds of Paradise plants help to improve the air quality in your home, and can even help increase your productivity, decrease stress levels and improve our general mood.
In order to keep these beautiful plants looking their best, though, you need to know a few things about Birds of Paradise care - and that is exactly what this blog is dedicate to. We are going to run through everything you need to know to ensure that your Bird of Paradise plant thrives in your home.
All about the Bird of Paradise plant
The Bird of Paradise plant is an ornamental plant, with the scientific name Strelitzia reginae or Strelitzia nicolai. It hails, originally from South Africa, typically growing in a rainforest environment - hot and humid with plenty of light. They are pollinated by birds, which is why they have developed their strong stems; they need to be able to support multiple birds at one time in order to have the best chance of pollination.
You may see some similarities between the Bird of Paradise plant and the banana plant - they are closely related and both have large leaves in a paddle shape, and the Bird of Paradise plant is sometimes known as the 'Wild Banana'. It's most common name though, Bird of Paradise, comes from the fact that it's incredibly beautiful flower can look, from a distance, like the head of an exotic bird.
To get the most out of your Bird of Paradise plant, you need to keep on top of maintenance. While there isn't a huge amount to worry about when it comes to Strelitzia nicolai care, there are a few things you need to know to ensure you get the most out of this special little plant.

Bird of Paradise Plant Care Indoor Tips
Let's now look at the main features of Bird of Paradise plant care, starting with light requirements:
How much light do Bird of Paradise plants need?
The main thing that you are looking to do when it comes to Bird of Paradise indoor plant care, is to replicate the natural habitat that this attractive plant is used to when it grows in the wild. Ultimately, that is with bright light, getting plenty of full sun wherever possible. While they can survive with moderate exposure to sun, in order to get the most, it would prefer a good few hours of full sun every day - and you will be rewarded with beautiful bright flowers.
A south-facing windowsill is ideal, away from any cold draughts, in a nice, warm room with good air circulation. Try to ensure the temperature doesn't drop below 10 °C.
When the weather improves in the summer, your Bird of Paradise plant could benefit from being moved outside into a sunny spot, giving it plenty of full sun, safe in the knowledge that the temperature will still be adequate. This will encourage flowering.
Top Tip: Rotate your Bird of Paradise plant every now and then so that all sides get the same amount of light, which will encourage even growth. Wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth if they get dusty.
Bird of Paradise Watering
The next-most important factor in Strelitzia plant care is how much water you need to give it. As a general rule, they thrive in moist soil, but not soggy soil - it's important to get that balance right. The best way to test whether your Bird of Paradise plant needs more water is to touch the top few centimetres of the soil. If it is completely dry, then it could do with a little drink, but if your finger ends up with muddy soil on it, then you should leave it for now.

Over-watering is something you really want to avoid. If you give it too much water, or you water too often, the water ends up stagnating in the soil which can cause root rot. If in doubt, it's better to leave it another day or two before you water.
Your plant will need more water during the growing season (Spring and Summer) than it needs in the Autumn and Winter when it is dormant.
Top tip: Feeding with a liquid fertiliser (like Baby Bio Houseplant Food) every couple of weeks during the growing season will help encourage healthy growth
Repotting Bird of Paradise plants
Every now and then you may need to repot your Bird of Paradise plant - it will thrive in a pot, but the root system will grow aggressively. When you see the roots start to appear out of the top of your soil, it's time to find it a bigger bot - this will be once every two or three years.
It's best to repot your Bird of Paradise plant in early Spring. All you need to do is find a slightly bigger pot than your existing one, and fill it with well draining soil and carefully place the plant in. Water well, and you're good to go!
Look out for spider mites or mealy bugs on those large leaves. You should be able to just wipe most of them off with a cloth, but you can also use an organic insecticide if you think the problem is getting worse.
Propagating a Bird of Paradise plant
The best way to propagate a Bord of Paradise plant is to by division from mature plants. Simply use a sharp knife to cut the root ball of a mature plant in half, and plant the extra half in a new pot with good drainage holes. If you follow the guidelines above, you can watch your new plant grow big and strong, just like the original.

Bird of Paradise Plant Care - Conclusion
As you can see, there isn't a great deal to Bird of Paradise indoor plant care, it's just a case of keeping on top of the various requirements. Make them a part of your indoor plant display - they work great with Peace Lilies, for example.
We hope you now have all the tools you require to help your Bird of Paradise plant thrive - these make wonderful additions to your home and deserve the best treatment!

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.