Poinsettias are known as some of the most popular holiday flowers for a few valid reasons. As a member of the euphorbia family (Euphorbia pulcherrima) Poinsettias originate from Central America and like to show off their beautiful colourful leaves during the festive season.
Many people think that Poinsettias are seasonal. This might be true to a certain extent, but if you take proper care of Poinsettias, they can outlast the Christmas period and beyond. So remember, there's absolutely no reason to get rid of this particular potted plant once Christmas is over.

Selecting Poinsettia plants for your home
When shopping for Poinsettias, be sure to choose a young, healthy poinsettia of which the foliage is full and attractive. You want to really examine the foliage and avoid buying a Poinsettia plant with bracts or leaves dark green leaves.
Moreover, ideally, the plant should be at least two times taller than its current container. If the plant appears wilted, it can be a sign of root rot. For these reasons, always be safe by ensuring you buy a healthy Poinsettia plant, something we guarantee at Gardeners Dream.
Once you've acquired a healthy Poinsettia, it's time to learn how to take care of it. In this article, we share some guidance on how to care for - and how to keep a Poinsettia alive for longer than the holiday season.
Poinsettia care requirements
Poinsettia care involves the plant being placed in a warm room, partially shaded location or slightly sunny area. Try to keep your Poinsettia happy by keeping it out of direct sunlight but with enough partial light.
Moreover, when it comes to proper Poinsettia care, be sure not to give the Poinsettia plant excess water, as this will likely cause root rot. Only water the plant once a week, or immediately if you notice wilting and yellowing of leaves. Regular watering can commence when you've checked watering levels.
Overwatering is the quickest way to kill a Poinsettia, and wilting leaves and rotted plant roots are sure signs. Last but not least, Poinsettias thrive under humidity, so be sure to lightly mist the leaves occasionally.

Temperature and humidity
To keep your Poinsettia in bloom as long as possible, you want to maintain an ideal temperature of somewhere between 16 to 23 degrees Celsius. Note that cold drafts and a lack of adequate light can injure the leaves and cause unwanted leaf drops, which you want to avoid.
Lack of humidity could become a major problem for most houseplants, including your Poinsettias. During winter, homes can become drier, so misting every few days or placing the plant near a small humidifier will help to increase the humidity levels around your precious Poinsettia plant.
When in bloom, the Poinsettias should not be fertilised or given any plant food. Once Spring some, you can start fertilising the plant at half-strength to encourage new growth and keep your plant happy throughout the year.
Poinsettia do best when placed in bright, diffused sunlight, so place your plant near a sunny window where it will receive at least six to eight hours of indirect light per day. Although plants can survive with fewer hours of light, they won't be as vigorous. In this regard, it's also important not to burn them.
Poinsettia care - Common pests tips
One of the most important aspects of Poinsettia care is not exactly new home pest news. Poinsettia plants are susceptible to other pests that infest house plants. Check the leaves of the plant regularly for insects like white flies, gnats and fungi. Washing the leaves can help keep insects at bay.

How to Get Your Poinsettias to Re-bloom
If you want to grow your Poinsettia throughout the year and have it make beautiful flower buds for the next holiday season in time, there are a few guidelines to follow. Follow this schedule to be the lucky owner of tiny yellow flowers when your Poinsettia plant begins to re-bloom!
December to early spring:
From December to early Spring, you want to gradually decrease watering, allowing the well-drained soil to dry out between watering sessions. Be careful that the stem of your Poinsettia does not begin to shrivel—this is a sign the plant is too stressed and is dying.
In a week or two, when the Poinsettia plant has acclimated to this drying process, move it to a cool spot, such as the basement or a heated garage. Keep the temperature around 16 degrees Celsius.
To get Poinsettia flowers, in May, you'll want to cut any new stems back to about four inches and repot your Poinsettia into a slightly larger container filled with fresh potting soil.
Be sure to water your Poinsettia well and place the newly-potted Poinsettia in front of the brightest, sunny window you have. Again, try to keep it at a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
During the month of May, in order to continue letting your Poinsettia thrive, be sure to continue watering whenever the soil surface feels dry. Be on the lookout during this period and once new growth appears, you can begin fertilizing your precious Poinsettias every two weeks.

Propagating Poinsettias
When it comes to propagating Poinsettias, it's wise to know they're hybrid plants, grown to be propagated - meaning they won't produce genetically reliable seeds. For this matter, they are usually propagated by stem cuttings.
You can make your own cuttings from your Poinsettia indoors by taking them in early summer when new growth is rampant. To take some cuttings and multiply your Poinsettia collection, simply follow these steps:
Using sharp pruners, snip about 3- to 6-inch tips from new growth. Next, you want to dip the cut end in powdered rooting hormone, then plant it in a small pot filled with good potting mix.

Enclose the planted cutting in a loosely secured plastic bag to hold in moisture, then set it in a spot with bright indirect light, but be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight.
After a month of time has passed, the Poinsettia cutting should begin to develop several roots and show some new growth. When you notice new leaf growth, be sure to remove the plastic bag and continue to care for the rooted cutting. Of course, a re-pot is necessary when the Poinsettia grows up to fill the whole pot. This brings us to the next section.
In conclusion: Keep your Poinsettia alive for longer!
When it comes to all-rounded Poinsettia care, this guide will have you covered. By following our tips as outlined here, you can easily keep your Poinsettias alive for longer than your neighbours! Get your Euphorbia Pulcherrima from our website and get in on National Poinsettia Day too!
Yes, there's actually a whole day dedicated to this decorative plant. It happens on the 12th of December. Of course, you can make every day Poinsettia day by keeping it alive for as long as you wish just by following this guide.
If you want to make it look really pretty in your home, try putting some Poinsettia leaves in decorative foil and make your visitors feel more at home - all throughout the year!

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.