Nothing sets off a UK garden like an explosion of colour provided by Summer flowering bulbs. While those first pops of colour in early Spring will always have a special part in our hearts, when we think of the perfect British garden it usually involves beautiful blooms throughout the summer months. Long hot days spent outside, with incredible aromas and bright colours, while bees and butterflies buzz and flutter around us. Bliss.

In order to enjoy that splendour, though, you need to put in a bit of effort in advance. And we're here to help you do just that! In this blog we are going to go through, step-by-step, how and when to plant Summer bulbs. We'll cover the different types of bulbs that you can plant, and we'll show you exactly how to plant them. When you come to plant Summer flowering bulbs, you'll know exactly what you need to do.
What are the best Summer bulbs?
Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder, so only you will know which are the perfect Summer bulbs for your garden. However, what we are hoping to do in this section is give you a few ideas and options. Have a look through, and have a think about which combinations of the following you would like in your garden next Summer.
- For Early Summer Flowering Bulbs try freesias, iris bulbs or alliums
- For Late Summer Flowering Bulbs you could go for lilies, Sparaxis or freesias (they will bloom throughout the summer, depending on when they are planted)
- If you are after Summer Flowering Bulbs in a particular colour, you can filter our range of Summer bulbs by colour
So while we'd love to point at one of our products and say "these are the best Summer bulbs to plant", it doesn't really work like that. You'll have an idea of what you want, and it's our job to help you fulfil that dream.
Have a think about what you want from your garden next Summer - most people will want to combine their Summer bulbs with some bedding plants - so remember to leave space for these when you are planting Summer bulbs. Think about whether you want a wild, natural looking garden, or a perfectly regimented display. Think about what colours and smells you want to experience. You have a blank canvass - now is the time to plan your masterpiece!

How and When to Plant Summer Bulbs
Now that we've covered the 'what', we'll move on to the 'when' and 'how'. At this point it's important to note that every bulb will have slightly different requirements when it comes to planting, but we are going to cover what will work for most bulbs that flower in the Summer.
When to Plant Summer Bulbs
You may already know that you should plant Spring bulbs in the Autumn, as they can survive that first Winter in the ground. Well, for most Summer bulbs, they wouldn't be able to grow their roots in those conditions, so you need to wait until the Spring to plant them.
The easy way to think about it is this - most summer bulbs will have originated in much sunnier climates, so would not have had to survive frosts while they were establishing a root system. Give them what they are used to and wait until the soil has started to warm up in the Spring (late February to April).
There are some hardy Summer flowering bulbs that can cope over the winter, though, like lilies and freesias. You can plant these bulbs in the Autumn, ready to bloom in the early Summer.

How to plant Summer Bulbs
Planting bulbs is pretty straightforward, there are just a few things you need to know. We'll run through a very easy guide now:
Preparing your soil
Before you dig a hole, break up any clumps of soil so that the roots will be able to spread as they grow. A good idea here is to mix in some good quality compost, as that will improve drainage and add in some extra nutrients. Clump-free, draining soil is what we're going for.
If you want to grow summer bulbs for pots, mix in some grit to the compost - this will ensure there is sufficient drainage.
Dig a hole
Use a small trowel or bulb planter to dig a small hole, about 2 or 3 times the length of your bulb. If your bulb is 3 cm long, dig down about 6-9 cm below the soil surface. If you are putting them in a row, leave a bulb width between each one to give them enough space to grow.
Place the bulb
Once you have done this, place the bulb in the hole with the nose pointing up. This is the pointed end where you can see the shoot.0
Fill the hole
Replace the soil in the hole carefully - making sure not to back it in too firmly which could prevent the roots from spreading out.
Once this is done, give them a big drink of water, especially if the soil is quite dry. Keep an eye on the weather, and if you have a dry period, get out there with your watering can to give them more water.

Planting bulbs for the Summer - Summary
That's all there is to it! You don't need to be a trained landscape designer to create dazzling displays - all it takes is a bit of planning and getting out there with a trowel!
So what kind of Summer garden will you create? Subtle pops of colour, or big showy flowers? Whatever you are planning, we can help you - browse through our flower bulbs and see what grabs you. We also have a range of tubers, such as dahlias, which you can combine with Summer flowering bulbs to create wonderfully bright and vibrant displays. We're sure you'll be inspired to create a special garden next year, full of Summer colour.

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.