Collection: All Chionodoxa Bulbs

Collection: All Chionodoxa Bulbs

9 results

About Chionodoxa Bulbs

If you like ornate and fragile looking spring bulb flowers then chionodoxa bulbs should be your first consideration. They produce delicate and dainty star-like flowers in typically faded pastel shades of pink, purple, blue and snow-white and make perfect flowers for interspersing among more dominant flower varieties. Chionodoxa maybe small and gracious, but they won’t be out done, making them the focal point of flowerbeds and containers more often than not. They are among the very first spring bulbs to flower and will kick off your spring with a burst of hazy colour that will immediately grab the attention of your garden’s admirers. We have a full range of Chionodoxa flower bulbs for sale so grab a wide variety and then checkout for free delivery to any location in the UK for orders over £50.