5 Ways To Prepare Your Garden For Winter

5 Ways To Prepare Your Garden For Winter

We've put together our top autumn gardening tips, to ensure your outside space and your garden plants are fully prepared for winter.
Oct 10th, 2018|
3 min
By Craig Wilson

With summer behind us and winter fast approaching, it is now or never when it comes to preparing your garden for the season to come.

Winter brings about a number of complications when it comes to our gardens, but the prospect of darker days and frost doesn't have to mean disaster. Here at Gardeners Dream, we've put together our top autumn gardening tips, to ensure your outside space is fully prepared for winter.

A bright yellow plastic watering can sitting in snow-covered garden bed, with green plants and bare branches visible in the background. Fresh snow covers the top of the watering can and surrounding garden area.

Clean up

A spring clean doesn't only have to be in spring! The change of the seasons is an excellent time to have a big garden sorted out. This means clearing away any old, unused or dead plants, to deter pests over the colder seasons.

Weeding is also a must. Weeds come in most commonly throughout the summer, so autumn is the ideal time to do a full garden sweep to ensure you're entering the new year with a clean, tidy and organised garden.

Tend to your lawn

We all know lawns can lose a little bit of life over the winter months but, with a little time and effort, you can give your lawn the best possible chance to make it through winter and begin the new year looking bright, healthy and full of life.

Before anything else, you should remove any moss or debris from your lawn. Use a moss-killer solution, and then rake your lawn to ensure it is as clean and tidy as possible. Once you've done this, you can use an autumn lawn feed to give your lawn the last burst of energy it needs to get through the colder winter months.

If you have a turf that you think may shortly need replacing, autumn is the perfect time to do so. Laying a new turf now gives plenty of time for it to root and set in time for next summer.

Plant evergreens and spring bulbs

The winter months don't have to mean a lack of gardening altogether. In fact, there are a number of evergreens that can be planted to bring colour and life to your space throughout the cooler months.

Now is also the optimum time to get organised with your spring flowering bulbs. Spring flowering bulbs are best planted through autumn, when the soil is still soft and before the first frost sets in. For more advice, be sure to check out our blog on "

When To Plant Spring Bulbs"


A fuzzy bumblebee with distinctive orange stripes collecting nectar from vibrant purple lavender flowers against a soft green background. The image captures the bee in sharp detail as it hovers on the delicate lavender blooms.

Organise your outdoor furniture

Naturally, we use our gardens much less throughout the cold winter. This means much of your garden furniture will sit unused for months, leading to potential damage.

Exposure to the elements, including light and rain, can fade or damage furniture over long periods of time. So, throughout winter, it is best to safely store away your unused garden furniture wherever possible. Soft furnishings should be wiped down, left to dry, and then stored away in a cupboard or attic. Hardwood furniture should be treated with a protective varnish and stored in your garden shed or garage, while aluminium garden furniture or accessories should be thoroughly cleaned and also treated with a protective spray before storing.

Clean and sharpen your garden tools

Your garden tools have likely been used a lot over the summer months, so are probably at their worst right now. And, while you may not need to use them as much over winter, now is the perfect time to clean and organise your tools and equipment ready for next season.

Any heavy-duty garden tools, such as lawnmowers, should be serviced and thoroughly cleaned. Other

gardening tools

, such as spades, forks,


and shears, should be washed and sharpened in time for spring.

If you're looking to prepare your garden for the winter months, look no further than the Gardeners Dream collection. From gardening

feed, and weed & moss kill

through to

autumn bulbs

, you can find everything you need to keep your garden looking great through to spring.

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