Some plants can live without sun all the time. Some indoor plants prefer shaded sun or indirect light. Others prefer artificial light. Yet, some house plants, especially tropical plants native to South Africa and Australia, still need direct sun or full sun to thrive. In fact, they can't bloom and grow without it! Yes, some plants that like direct sunlight prefer it over indirect light, any day.
You can transform an already bright room that features a lot of direct sun with appropriate sun-loving house plants that thrive on direct sunlight all throughout the day. By placing some houseplants in a bright sunny window with full sun, you're off to a great growing season - and even some fruitful harvests, too.

If you're looking for a houseplant to put in a sunny place indoors, then you've arrived at the right place right here. There are plenty of suitable houseplants that love direct sunlight - as opposed to indirect sunlight.
If you have a sunny room or an empty sunny window that needs a little greenery and/or some transformation, perhaps it's time to get yourself one of the indoor plants on this very list.
But before you decide which plants to acquire, you'd want to read through our selective information regarding the needs and characteristics of each. With that said, whether you're after stunning flowers or striking foliage, this article will guide you through some of the best options.
We've taken the initiative to compile a top 6 list of houseplants that enjoy direct sunlight the most. Make your pick and brighten up the room some more with any or all of these sun-loving indoor plants, today.

Indoor (dwarf) Citrus Tree that likes direct sunlight
Growing citrus houseplants is completely possible, and will add a refreshing aroma to your home in addition to making a nice visual impact. With the added benefit of a potential fruit harvest, who wouldn't want to grow some Citrus indoors given the right sun exposure?
While many varieties of the citrus specimen are too big to grow indoors, there are several suitable cultivars available for the home grower. These include the citrus tree dwarf varieties. Below, follows our cherry-picked citrus tree indoor selection to grow in a sunny spot indoors.
The Citrus Lemon Tree
If you're wondering why and how to keep a Lemon tree happy indoors, you've arrived at the right place. With strong citrus-smelling flowers, glossy foliage and tasty fruit, an indoor lemon tree as a house plant can greatly reward its carer.

Regardless of climate, the miniature lemon tree can be grown successfully indoors in an indoor pot. If you want to spice up your home with some greenery while reaping the benefits of the citrus specimen, you really can't go wrong with the Citrus Lemon Tree. Get your Lemon Tree today to make lemonade when life gives you lemons!
The secret to growing a fruitful indoor lemon is getting a tree that stays small and delivers lemons sooner. Just old enough to start bearing fruit, but still immature, the Citrus Lemon Tree is an ideal choice for growing indoors in sunny spots. When it comes to the level of sun exposure that will keep the Lemon tree happy, we are talking about taking it to the maximum.
How to care for the Lemon Tree?
To keep your lemon tree as happy and healthy as it should be, be sure to let the soil dry out a few inches on the topsoil before you get to watering plants again. Once the soil is relatively dry, you want to water it to such an extent that the water runs through the bottom holes. Then, let the lemon sit and repeat the process.
For best results, your indoor lemon tree needs close to eight hours of direct sunlight each day. The more direct sun it gets, the healthier your lemons will be. Regarding the best location, they generally do well in front of sunny windows.

Location, location, location. This is what the lemon tree is mostly about. That, and loads of direct sunlight, of course! They also like lots of fresh ventilation, such as a hallway or windowsill.
Seeing that this tree will need a good amount of sunlight a day, be sure to put it in a location that gets at least 6 hours of good direct sunlight each day. This is especially true when it starts to produce fruits. The more sun your lemon tree gets, the more fruitful it will be.
Typically, indoor lemon trees require minimal pruning. While some lemon trees have thorns, be sure to wear protective gloves while pruning to prevent those from cutting you. By learning how to grow and care for a lemon tree indoors, you can enjoy year-round rewards of fragrant blossoms and lemony treats.
Pollination tips
Generally, the lemon tree should bear fruit by its own conviction, however, you may help it along the blooming process. When flowers are blooming, be sure to gently shake the branches to help spread pollen within the blossoms.
Citrus Lime Tree
Similar to the other citrus indoor trees, for indoor growing, you'll want to get your hands on either a dwarf or semi-dwarf variety. This is an important factor, as regular lime trees can grow up to 20 feet tall.

While dwarf varieties don't grow as large as other varieties, they still produce fruit. Make sure to plant your Citrus-Lime tree in a suitably sized container (9cx9cm) as shown below.
How to care for the Citrus-Lime Tree?
Make sure your Citrus-Lime tree/plant is watered regularly. In doing so, always check the top inch of soil for dryness. Depending on the surrounding humidity and temperature levels, Lime Trees can become hungry for water. With that said, be sure to water the tree properly once per week.
The first sign of underwatering is usually curled leaves. At the same time, it's advised not to overwater to avoid root rot and soggy soil, and you can even start to reduce the watering during the winter season.
Basically, what it comes down to with the citrus plant, is that it's not exactly a fan of soaking-wet soil. Hence, you want to be sure to always check that the soil is dried out before watering again.
How much sunlight does a lime tree need, exactly? Regarding the level of sun exposure needed for the Citrus-Lime plant; they are extremely light-hungry, so you'll want to give them a spot that gets a lot of direct sunlight. Choose a sunny space, and shoot for a minimum of 6 hours of bright light per day.
For those growing lime trees indoors during winter, you need to make absolutely sure that there's enough sunlight. Also, remember to factor in the relative humidity during wintertime.
Temperature & Humidity
Ideally, citrus plants should be kept in an environment of 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Any sudden changes in temperature can be harmful, so be sure to keep them away from any heating or cooling fixtures.
Citrus Orange Tree
The indoor orange tree is another one of the few citrus plants that are perfectly suited as a house plant, indoors in homes and apartments.

How to care for the Citrus Orange Tree?
While orange plants and other citrus plants can make beautiful house plants for your home, some basic factors need to be met in order for them to flourish. With the ability to bring wonderful colour and scent to your home, caring for a citrus plant indoors is not too difficult, given enough direct sunlight and water, of course! With that said, let's get down to basics.
It's recommended to water and feed your orange tree at least once weekly in order to reap a fair and bountiful indoor harvest. Citrus plants require a very similar watering regime as any other houseplant. In the winter, you want to allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering. However, in the summer, they need to be watered thoroughly, once per week.
Spring is advised as a good time to get rid of any damaged, thin branches to stimulate new growth. Citrus plants do not need much attention when it comes to pruning. If the plant has overcrowded branches, thin these out in February.
Throughout the growing season, you want to cut back the tallest branches to encourage bountiful growth. With that said, there's no better time than now to get your own Citrus Tree and watch it grow happily in the sun!

Strelitzia: Sun-loving stunner
The stunning Strelitzia Reginae also called the Crane Flower or Bird of Paradise is an authentic and magnificent South African plant. Even though it looks exotic, it's one of the most popular house plants in the UK.
By adding the Bird of Paradise to your indoor garden, you will hardly regret it. Popularly grown indoors by many avid home growers, the Strelitzia is a plant that undoubtedly loves direct light - and can be one of the best house plants to care for given the right amounts of sun exposure.

How to care for the Strelitzia?
It's recommended to water the beautiful Strelitzia regularly while allowing about half of the soil to dry out before the next application. In this regard, never let the soil dry out completely for these special indoor plants, and never overwater the soil in such a manner that it is constantly dry. It's always wise to keep a healthy balance.
As part of our indoor plant's range, the Strelitzia deserves nothing less than bright, direct sunlight, at least six hours every day. Place it in a sunny space with full sun where there's ample sunlight flowing in! The Strelitzia loves the sun, so be sure yours gets enough of this precious resource.
Humidity & Temperature
For the Strelitzia, average room humidity is sufficient. However, if the air is very dry, it's recommended to cool off the leaves by spraying them occasionally. This would also prevent the leaves from turning brown. As for the ideal temperatures in which to house Strelitzias, these range from 21 °C and above.

For optimal growth, you can fertilize every two to three weeks during the growing season with a well-balanced organic general-purpose plant food. Of course, you should keep to the guidelines when it comes to added fertilizers, as the Strelitzia tends to like natural resources most.
Repotting should take place when your Strelitzia has become fully rootbound in their current home. When it has reached pot maturity, it's recommended to repot the plant into a planter filled with plant pot gravel or a potting mixture - approximately 5 cm larger than its current container.
To enhance the repotting process, strengthen the sturdy stems and grow a lush plant, it's recommended to use a well-draining organic potting mix. Now that you know how to make the Strelitzia bloom, it's time to get yours and start reaping the benefits of this wonderful plant.
Excellent Echeveria plants
Echeveria as a succulent plant that's accustomed to hot climates, has gained popularity as an indoor house plant over the past few years. They have a few common names such as Ghost Echeveria or Hens and Chicks.
Although native to Central America, Mexico, and northwestern South America, they have accustomed to indoor environments for modern homemakers. As a typical succulent, it's common to find them being grown in unusual and visually arty pots and containers.

How to care for Echeverias?
Grown indoors, from Spring to Summer, you want to be sure to water your Echeverias deeply and regularly whenever the soil fully dries out. From late Fall to winter, though, watering should be reduced by waiting until the soil dries out fully until the next cycle.
Out in their natural habitat, many succulents are adapted to minimal watering, so lots of their traits, such as thick fleshy leaves help with this special ability. Even though they are used to the full sun, that certainly doesn't mean they don't want water when it's around, though!

It is a generally known fact that Echeveria plants love bright light with some sunlight. Where they struggle in low light conditions, by placing them in direct sunlight, you want to be sure to get your watering schedule right. With that said, do not let them burn.
Window ledges are a perfect location for your Echeveria, however, you need to make sure that it doesn't get damaged by too much direct sunlight. Acquire your Echeveria Plants today to add a new range of colours to your indoor sunny spaces.
Sansevieria Cylindrica
The Sansevieria Cylindrica is also known as the African spear plant, or cylindrical snake plant, and is generally categorized as a succulent. Consisting of unmistakable upright, cylindrical leaves, the African Spear can make for a great indoor addition if placed in a sunny space.
When grown in optimal conditions, African spear plants might send up a long pretty flower in a spike form, that's filled with tiny white blooms. These plants are best planted at the start of the growing season in the spring, and they're generally slow growing.

How to Care for the African spear plant?
Known to be generally low-maintenance, these plants can survive for quite a while, even if you forget to water or feed them. They are hardy plants that don't typically have pest problems, so you don't have to worry about pest control and harmful pesticides.
It's easy to overwater or overfeed these plants, either way. During the growing season which is spring to fall, they will appreciate some watering and occasional fertilizing, though.
What is enough light for the African Spear? These plants can tolerate somewhat low light conditions, but they prefer some full sunlight along with bright filtered light. Outdoors, will appreciate the morning sun but should be protected from the direct hot afternoon sun. Indoors, it likes a bright north-facing window that lets through enough light for them to grow and flourish.

These plants prefer sandy-based soil that has excellent drainage. A potting mix made especially for succulents is ideal to acquire for potting purposes. Of course, it's much more convenient to buy yours already planted in a suitable container with quality potting mix.
Tradescantia zebrina/spiderwort
The Tradescantia Zebrina is a transcendental-looking indoor plant with striking, colourful foliage. This indoor gardener dream is also coined the Inch Plant, Wandering Dude, or Spiderwort, and is sure to brighten up any room in your home.

Caring for the Spiderwort?
When it comes to plants that love full sun, we couldn't leave out the wonderful Spiderwort. The marvellous Spiderwort is a plant that undoubtedly requires lots of bright, direct sunlight. In this regard, you want to be sure to situate the plant in an appropriate indoor spot with plenty of direct sunlight.
Water the plant so to keep the soil moist most of the time, making sure it doesn't become too dry. If the top soil is dry to the touch, you should water it, without drowning it.
The Spiderwort is undoubtedly visually stunning in any indoor space, and with enough bright sunlight, this plant will reward its carer in many ways. get your Spiderwort today if you have a sunny area around your home that needs a little purple and green!
Fertilizing tips

Spiderwort plants don't require much, if any, feeding. To the maximum, it's recommended to use a water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks. More aggressive feeding will only halter the plant in its growth, so it's advised to keep things as natural as possible.
Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe Vera is unmistakably practical for growing indoors under some direct sunlight, where possible. Non-arguably, Aloe vera plants need plenty of sunlight and minimal watering to grow at their very best. Especially during the winter months, you want to be sure to provide your indoor Aloe Vera with ample sunlight. Get your Aloe Vera today for easy indoor, sunlight-friendly growing.

Are Citrus Plants easy to grow?
Compared to other plants, growing citrus trees indoors is not rated as particularly difficult, as they thrive in direct sunlight. With that said, you should still be prepared to invest some extra time if you want your tree to bear fruit. It is always possible to grow a beautiful-looking tree that doesn't bear fruit, too. With the full sun at hand and a solid watering schedule, you really can't go wrong.
How do I choose the perfect spot for these houseplants?
Now that we've discussed the top 6 house plants that like direct sunlight, this indoor plant light guide would be incomplete without talking about the best location to place your plants. With the obvious stated (that it needs lots of sunlight), it'll be wise to take walk around your home to spot the sunniest spots. Always look for windows and corners where there is full sun exposure. In this regard, a south-facing window could be a good choice.

What does direct sunlight entail? And what house plant likes bright light, but not direct sunlight?
By definition, direct sunlight refers strictly to sunlight that shines in a straight line onto the plant. For example, most windowsills provide ideal, direct sunlight. For those who cannot provide direct sunlight, of course, LED growth lights could be obtained. But of course, we don't believe there is any light nearly as powerful as the sun itself when it comes to house plants that like direct sunlight.
Relative to this section is the fact that there are some plants that like very bright, but not direct sunlight. For example, Yucca Plants can be placed in spots where it's bright, without direct sunlight.
Yucca Plants should be watered once a week during summer, while less watering is required during the winter months. Get your Yucca Elephantipes if you are looking for a friendly indoor plant that can live without direct sunlight - as opposed to the other plants listed here. The Yucca is a great choice if you have a bright room that lacks actual direct sunlight.

In Conclusion
In conclusion, for house plants that like direct sunlight, the importance of choosing the right indoor plants that suit the lighting in your home should not be understated. These houseplants that like direct sunlight won't just survive the sunshine, but will thrive in the light and bring some extra life into your living space.
Don't hesitate to make your pick from our popular selection of houseplants today. And don't forget to let the sunshine come through! If you have sun exposure at hand, all you need is the plants to soak up the sun.

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.