If you're wondering what to do in the garden in autumn, look no further. Whether you're new to gardening and need some advice or you're a dab hand looking to brush up your knowledge, here at Gardeners Dream we're putting together all our top autumn gardening tips, so your garden can flourish come spring.
Forget spring cleaning: in the world of gardening, it's all about autumn.
Autumn is a great time to really get stuck in tidying your garden, removing any dead plants or vegetation from the previous months and getting your outside space ready for winter.

When to feed lawn in autumn
In many gardens, lawns play a starring role, so it's important to keep yours looking healthy all year round. While the colder autumn and winter seasons generally mean far less growth on your lawn, it is still important to fertilise it in order to help it recover from summer and add protection over the winter months.
September or October are the best months to weed, fertilise and treat your lawn for winter – before the weather gets too cold and the ground begins to freeze. Get rid of weeds as early as possible following summer, ideally during September. Then remove moss using a rake (this can be added to your compost heap). Finally, treat your lawn with an autumn-specific feed or fertiliser to ensure it is healthy and bright come spring.

Make leaf mould
Leaf mould is not only a wonderful soil treatment and conditioner but offers a great way to recycle fallen leaves in autumn.
What is leaf mould?
Leaf mould is pretty much what it sounds like an organic soil conditioner made up of decaying leaves. Leaf mould retains moisture and is free-draining, making it a good option for mulching around your border plants or using in potting composts.
How to make leaf mould
The great thing about leaf mould is you don't need any specialist equipment or products to make it – leaf mould is a free and easy treatment you can make yourself at home. For small amounts of leaves, you can even just use a bin liner. For larger amounts of leaves, or if you have a large garden, you could build your own leaf bin using wooden stakes and wire mesh. Simply fill your bag or bin with leaves, sprinkle with water and then leave them to begin the decomposition process.
Making leaf mould is definitely a long-term task: depending on the leaves used the process could take up to two years, so it's good to be prepared and begin the process as soon as the leaves begin to fall.
How to use leaf mould
So, once your leaf mould has reached a crumbly texture and is ready to use, how exactly do you use it? The best way to use leaf mould is to spread it throughout your borders as mulch. Best used in addition to your usual soil fertiliser, leaf mould works as a soil amendment, increasing water retention and helping improve soil structure

Clean your gardening equipment
Your garden tools have no doubt seen a great deal of use over spring and summer, meaning autumn is the ideal time for a good old clean. Rakes, trowels and spades will need a thorough wash, and metal equipment should be oiled to prevent rusting. Larger or electrical garden tools such as lawnmowers should also be serviced in time for the new year.
Prepare for spring with autumn flowers
The greatest thing about spring is the stunning display of flowers and greenery it brings. Make sure your garden is beautiful come spring by treating it to some autumn-planted bulbs. Stunningly colourful options such as daffodils, lilies, tulips and crocus are all ideally planted in autumn and will flower from early spring right through into summer.
Whether you're creating a dazzling garden border display or you're brightening up a patio or pathway with pots and containers, autumn-planted bulbs are a great way to get ahead of your springtime gardening.
Repair garden furniture and fittings
If you have any garden sheds, furniture or fencing that have seen better days now is the ideal time to give them a new lease of life. Replace or repair any damage in time for the new year, and treat your furniture and fittings with a wood protector or oil, depending on the material, to keep them protected throughout the winter months.

Protect your pond
Autumn = dead leaves – and decomposing leaves in your pond act as a breeding ground for bacteria. They don't only negatively affect the water in your pond but can block pump filters. Rather than scooping out dead leaves daily, prepare for the leaf fall by covering your pond with a fine-meshed net. This will make it quick and easy to remove leaves from your pond, without disturbing the wildlife within.
So there you have it; follow these tips and you'll be left with a clean, tidy and thriving garden come spring. For all the tools and products for your autumn garden cleanse, look no further than the Gardeners Dream collection. From autumn bulbs to garden tools and lawn care, you can find everything you need to get the job done.

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.