Planting bulbs that will bloom in the Spring is a wonderful thing to do for your garden. With a small amount of effort in the Autumn, you can be enjoying some incredible blooms from the early Spring onwards - a sea of colour to herald the beginning of the growing season, following the long, dark winter.

This transformation is a beautiful sight - those first green shoots emerging from the soil, quickly followed by pops of colour, which in turn attract pockets of wildlife as the world slowly wakes from its winter slumber. Nothing lifts the spirits like Spring flowering bulbs.
The other great thing about planting Spring bulbs is that it really isn't very difficult! With a little guidance, you can create stunning displays of colour in your beds and containers - and that's what we're going to offer in this blog. A complete guide to show you how to plant Spring bulbs - there'll be no stopping you after you've read it!
What are the best Spring bulbs?
There are a huge range of Spring bulbs for you to consider - which gives you the option to create the perfect display in your garden. Different bulbs will offer you different colours, shapes and sizes, and they will bloom at different times - with a little bit of planning when you are planting Spring flowering bulbs, you can orchestrate a unique array of stunning flowers. Here are few ideas to guide you:
- For early blooms try crocus bulbs, daffodils, snowdrops, hyacinths or iris bulbs.
- For potted bulbs you could go for tulip bulbs, daffodils, allium, or scilla bulbs
- At the front of beds you could use smaller plants like iris reticulata or the tulip 'Lilac Wonder'
- For late spring bulbs, try alliums, lilies or anemones
So there is no such thing as the 'best Spring bulbs' there are just plenty of options for you to get the perfect combination for your garden. It's worth your time now, before planting Spring bulbs, to have a think about what you want to see next Spring - which colours, where in your garden you want them, whether you want your Spring bulbs in pots or in beds and borders. A little planning now will help you create really impressive displays next year. Consider, as well, where you might want your summer flowering bulbs, and work around them.

How to plant Spring bulbs
Okay, now that you have an idea of what bulbs you could go for, let's now go through a step-by-step guide to planting Spring flowering bulbs from the best time to start planting, to how much water they'll need. While every Spring bulb will differ slightly, the following is a good rule of thumb for the majority of common Spring bulbs. Let's go!
The best time to plant Spring flowering bulbs
The best time to plant bulbs that will flower in the Spring, is in the Autumn. This is because at this time of year the soil is still quite warm following the summer, it will get plenty of moisture as the inevitable rain starts to fall, and there is time for root growth before the harsh cold of the winter kicks in.
Tulips are the slight exception to this - they can start growing in colder conditions, so you can get away with planting them as late as the early Winter. November is probably the optimal time to plant tulips in the UK.
Where to plant bulbs
You'll find that most bulbs that flower in the Spring are hardy bulbs and they all have similar requirements - a nice sunny spot in soil with good drainage. Some, like snowdrops, that are used to colder conditions, can cope with more shade - when you buy the bulbs, check to see their requirements. Obviously if you are growing bulbs in pots you can move the pots to find the perfect conditions.

Get the perfect soil
Before you dig a hole, make sure you have the best quality soil for them. The best way to do this is to break up clumpy soil, to give the roots chance to grow, and then mix in some garden compost which will improve drainage and provide some extra nutrients.
Dig a hole
Next, use a small trowel or a bulb planter. For most bulbs it will need to be about two or three times their depth - so if your bulb is 5 cm 'tall' dig around 15 cm. If you are having a row of bulbs, try and space them out around twice the width, to give them each enough room to grow.
Planting Spring flowering bulbs
When you are putting the bulb in the hole, make sure the 'nose' of the bulb, where you can see the shoot, is pointing upwards, to the soil surface. Once you are happy, you can refill the hole with the soil - perhaps marking it with a little stick if you want to remember where they are if you are planning to plant more bulbs at a later date.

Give them a big drink, just to get them started. Depending on the weather, you may not need to water very often, but if you have a dry spell, it might be worth topping them up with water every now and then. It's also a good idea to mulch - it will help keep the weeds at bay, and help the soil retain moisture over the Winter. They may also benefit from a feed every now and then - a liquid tomato feed would do the job.
Protection from pests
Some newly planted bulbs can be very attractive to mice or squirrels, out for an Autumnal snack. The best way to protect them is to lay some chicken wire over the top.
Spring Flowering Bulbs - Conclusion
That's all there is to it! That's all it takes to create beautiful Springtime displays, full of colour and life. We stock a huge range of flower tubers - have a look through and plan your garden for next year. Combine our Spring flowers with some Summer bulbs and some Autumn flowering bulbs - get season after season of vibrancy in your garden.

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.