An industrial weed killer is often the best solution if you are struggling to control weeds in your garden. And almost all of those industrial products will be a glyphosate weedkiller - meaning that they have the active ingredient glyphosate.

The effectiveness of these products is undeniable - however, it's important that you know what you're dealing with before you start the job. Not all glyphosate weedkillers are created equal! So in this blog we are going to take a look at this type of weedkiller, what they do, when they should be used and then which are the best glyphosate weedkillers for your needs.
What is a Glyphosate weedkiller?
Glyphosate weed killers are non-selective herbicides, which means that they are used for weed control, but will kill any plants that they come into contact with. This obviously means that they need to be handled with care - used incorrectly and they could kill plants that you want to keep.
Glyphosate weed killers will target annual and perennial weeds - which basically means most grasses and broad-leafed plants. This is because these types of plants have more soft tissue that can come into contact with the weed killer, and so absorb more into the system. From there, the glyphosate will block the shikimic pathway - the process used to generate growth proteins. No growth means they will die.
As a general rule, it doesn't take much glyphosate to kill a plant - which makes it very effective against tough weeds, but also a threat to your favourite plant!
Where should a Glyphosate weed killer be used?
The best place to use an industrial weed killer with glyphosate is when you want total weed control - hard surfaces where you have weeds growing through is ideal, as the risk of killing something you don't want to kill is minimal. It can also be used when you want to clear an entire area of your garden - but just double-check whether the weed killer that you use breaks down in the soil naturally. This could inhibit when you are able to plant new vegetation in the area.
It's also good to use if you have a particularly aggressive weed that you are struggling to hold back - like Japanese knotweed, bindweed or horsetail weed.

What is the best time to use a Glyphosate weed killer?
The best time to use a glyphosate weed killer is when growth is occurring, or about to occur - which is usually in the spring, just as they are all about to burst into life. The added benefit to this is that you will keep your garden under control for a lovely summer!
You should also look out for a day when it is not likely to rain, which could carry the liquid weed killer towards areas of your garden that you want to protect, and when it is not very windy, so that the spray does not blow into those other areas. If you're not experienced at spraying, it might be a good idea to have a trial run with some water before you use a glyphosate weed killer.
Always wear gloves when you handle chemicals - wash skin thoroughly after use.
The Best Glyphosate Weed Killers
We stock a range of glyphosate weed killers, and here are some of our favourites:
5L Gallup XL Super Strength Glyphosate Weed Killer
As the name suggests, this is a super strong weed killer. You'll see signs of decay within two weeks of application, usually around 10 days. As you dilute the weed killer (20-30ml to 1 litre of water), this bottle will last you a very long time - will cover 10,000 sqm. A total weed killer which will kill annual and perennial weeds.
Rosate 5 Litre 360 TF
Another concentrate herbicide, this Rostate product is another strong, powerful weed killer that will solve most of your weed-based problems. Great for use on hard surfaces.
Professional Glyphosate Weedkiller - 5L Gallup Biograde Amenity
This is the right product for those areas that you want to clear of weeds, before then attempting to regrow (either grass or plants) afterwards. The idea here is that the weed killer will break down in the soil after around 2 weeks, leaving it suitable to grow again. Just make sure it has finished eliminating all of the weeds before you plant something new.
It's also better to use this near aquatic areas than some of the other products.

Round Up Pro - Active 36
Another powerful weed killer here - this will show signs that it's working within 10 days of application, and will be 'rainproof' just one hour after you have applied it. This is a great option if you can't find a big window without rain in our delightful British weather!
Best Glyphosate Weed Killer - Conclusion
Unfortunately there isn't one set answer for the 'best' weed killer - that all comes down to what you need it for. If you are looking for an industrial solution to your weed problems, though, a glyphosate weed killer is probably the way to go. Have a look through our range and pick out the best one for your needs.

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.