Collection: All Clematis Plants

Collection: All Clematis Plants

53 results

About Clematis Plants

When it comes to climbers, you can’t go wrong with clematis plants. Certainly if you’re after bold flashes of colour that will liven up a fence, wall, trellis or archway. They are also great for adding a bit of privacy and work as enticing pollinator plants - but most of all they are just beautiful plants. Another great benefit of clematis plants is the huge range of varieties and colours. This is emphasised by our clematis mix which combines four plants and colours in one, with dazzling results. Another favourite is the clematis blue, producing stunning light blue flowers from spring to autumn.

Clematis Plants For Sale

If you’re after a huge selection of clematis flowers to choose from, then you’ve come to the right place. We love these plants so much, the Kings of climbers, that we have gone big on our range. We want to help you find the perfect clematis plants for your garden, so you can search by colour, height, period of interest, spread and much more. Whatever you want, you’ll be able to find it with us.

With a little planning you could be looking out at stunning blooms, with rich, bright colours, from late winter all the way through to late autumn. Month after month, new colours with every bloom.

Also, with our free UK delivery on every order over £50, we’ll take away all the hassle - your new clematis plants will arrive at your doorstep, for you to enjoy at your leisure.