When it comes to decorating our homes, there are fewer things that are more satisfying than finding the perfect indoor plants. Of course, plants come in all shapes and sizes and there are certainly some wonderful small plant additions you can make. But for the purpose of this article, we will be focusing more on the ‘big is beautiful' idea and giving you our 5 best large indoor plants and trees!
Kentia Palms
Kentia Palms have a wonderful history, first being discovered in the remote Lord Howe Island which is situated between Australia in New Zealand in the 1700s. It was then bought back to the United Kingdom where it grew in popularity, eventually reaching its peak during the Victorian era. Many well-to-do London townhouses of the period had Kentia Palms growing indoors and it is believed that Queen Victoria herself favoured the Kentia Palm for her personal residences.
History aside though, today it is very much a resurgent indoor plant that is once again becoming a firm favourite in the United Kingdom. These palms do very well indoors and like the warmth that houses provide.
They do have the propensity to grow quite considerably, so occasional maintenance will be needed to keep your Kentia Palm housebound and under control. Remember, the Kentia Palm is a tree in its natural habitat and can reach over 15' very easily. When grown inside, most only reach around 8', but this is a large height for the average home, making them very tall indoor plants.
Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina)
The Weeping Fig is a leafy fig tree that comes in many different variations. For growing indoors, the most popular are the Danielle, Golden King and Twilight varieties, each with different qualities.
The Danielle Weeping Fig is known for its deep, rich green foliage and its ability to clean and purify the air. Golden King on the other hand has a much more vibrant and bright aesthetic with golden/green glossy foliage. The Twilight Weeping Fig is by far the most enchanting and mysterious with its inviting silver-edged leaves.
Whichever Weeping Fig fits your home best, all of them will provide a fantastic focal point and it is amazing how much impact an indoor plant can have. They are also one of the most manageable indoor plants that can be pruned with ease to keep a consistent size.
As an indoor plant, there are few that can compete with the Yucca for attention. These palm plants look like miniature palm trees when grown indoors and although they can grow reasonably large, they are much less intrusive than the Kentia Palm mentioned above.
Yuccas tend to grow in pairs or threes with each plant having either two or three stems. Aside from the number of stems, there isn't a difference between the two types. It comes down to a matter of personal preference. Some Yucca plants are single stem as well so don't feel like you have to subscribe to the ‘more the merrier' philosophy.
The most interesting thing about the Yucca plant is that it is considered a super plant because the root has many medicinal qualities (some more effective than others). They grow well indoors as long as there is plenty of warmth and light available to them.
Large Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
The Snake Plant is a frequent visitor to our indoor plant articles and lists because it is attractive, interesting to look at, and does well in low light conditions. If you're looking for the best tall indoor plants for low light, then look no further than the Large Snake Plant. There are typically two large types, the Laurentii and the Zeylandica.
The Laurentii has large (often upright) leaves that look a little alien but are pretty, nonetheless. The foliage is two-toned upon first glance but a closer inspection shows the leaves have a lovely ribbed pattern that runs the entire length.
The Zeylandica is very similar to the Laurentii with its sword/blade-like leaves except the colours are a bit more muted making it a better fit for homes with more minimalist decor. It still has the patterned quality to keep your eyes lingering on it a little longer than you would ordinarily spend looking at a house plant.
Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera
When it comes to the best large indoor plants, the oddly named Swiss Cheese Plant is certainly up there. It is one of the indoor plant varieties on this list that comes in all shapes and sizes so don't feel as though you need to go large. As you have probably guessed, the Swiss Cheese Plant has holes or tears in its leaves which gave it its name, and also made it a highly attractive and somewhat showy houseplant.
They prefer tropical environments so if you have a large warm bathroom then the Swiss Cheese Plant may just be the perfect addition. Unfortunately, although they oxygenate a room, they have few other air-purifying qualities, making them a plant that is all about the show. That said though, the Swiss Cheese Plant doesn't disappoint and makes an excellent display plant with its distinctive and unusual leaves.
What Size Pot Do I Need for Tall Indoor Plants?
When potting an indoor plant you need to take two things into consideration. One is the plant going to grow healthily in the pot, and two is the pot going to restrict growth if needed to constrain size. With this in mind, when potting large plants it is a balancing act, you don't want to pot a palm with plenty of space as it will grow to epic proportions. Likewise, you should be careful not to squeeze a plant into a too-small pot.
Typically, a medium to large pot is perfect for a large indoor plant. Hopefully, you have some ideas for your next large indoor plant, but if these haven't quite tickled your fancy, check out the Large Peace Lily or the Large Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, both of which barely missed out on making our top 5!

Craig Wilson
Co-founder and in-house gardening expert at Gardener's Dream
Craig Wilson, co-founder and director of Gardener's Dream has established himself as a key figure in the online gardening industry. With over 2 decades of plant knowledge and gardening experience, he takes pride in sharing his top tips and tricks for the garden.